Final product Prelim
I have learnt a lot since the prelim task till now. for example when we were filming our prelim there was a number of mistakes that we made e.g when we were filming the prelim the camera was quite shaky and un-study with made the film look unprofessional but when we werefilming the interview room scene again for the opening sequence we used a tri-pod which helped us to film the footage properly and securely without it looking unprofessional.
Another mistake we learned from during the time we were filming our prelim is that when we were filming the interview room the camera we had was fulty as it had no sound so it meant that we couldn;t use the footage we took. so we also learned from that mistake by testing out the equipment to see if its working properly before filming.
Another mistake that helped us to learn and develop our skills more as media student was that in our prelim we made a big mistake when we were doing our match on action. this is because we forgot to keep the main character in the shoot when he was meant to be in it. we learned from this mistake because when we were doing this scene again for our opening sequence we made sure to do a lot of planning and preparation to we film the scene correctly.
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