Monday, 29 November 2010

Genre Research Films (Crime)

Film : Hostage
Genre Crime Action
Year 2005
Director: Florent Emilio Siri
Main Cast Bruce Willis

The opening sequence of this film starts of with showing these buildings and soldiers and the look unrealistic like a drawing and the use a lot of editing and it looks like they are preparing to invade and area its also shows a lot of violent equipments like guns tanks and things you would use for destruction and it uses a lot of editing the film uses colours like black and red which connotes death , danger and blood and they also use dramatic music in the opening sequence to help create tension. I think that this film is mostly aimed at men this is because of the way the film portrays men, because the film has been masculinized so much it shows the men as the hero's this is shown by the main character bruce willis who is shown as a strong tough guy

Film:  The Lookout
Genre: Crime Drama Thriller 
Year: 2007
Director: Scott Frank
Writer: Scott Frank 

In the opening sequence of this film we first denotes a place covered in snow in the middle of no way with a car parked in it and 3 men all in black and one one of them is searching for something for the other guys in a small cave the use of music is also interesting as the use dramatic, scary and almost  creepy music to create an atmosphere of danger and death. The characters in this film are mostly men so i think that this film is mostly aimed at men around the age of the main characters so 18+ 

Film: L A Confidential
Genre: Crime Drama Mystery
Year: 1997
Director: Curtis Hanson

The the opening sequence of the movie, the films starts of in black and white and it shows people in that time (1997 ) and how there lives where like and it show L.A and how its advertised and how the sell it to people telling them that it  like a paradise when its not. it has shows alot of people enjoying them slefs having as good time and it shows alot of families. I Think this film is aimed at young men it has a lot of action and fast pete movements they also use props like guns, cigarets, cigars etc that appealed to men at those times. 

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