Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Link to our Questionnirae (Survey Monkey)

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<a href="http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/5XGXYGK">Click here to take survey</a>

SWOT Analysis

Our strength was our pitch an our treatment

One of our weakness is that we haven't done as much research as we need to do our assignment and we don't have a clear idea for our opening sequence or our genre for our film

We had an opportunity when we where present the work to the class and to the teachers to get some feed back and evaluation of our work and if it would be a good idea to go ahead with our work.

We haven't still decided what genre where going to do yet and we have problem with team members  being absent.

Y12 Pitch - Group 3

Audience Profile Questionaire

hello i am an a level  student studying media and part of my course is to make an opening sequence for a film of my choice. my choice is a crime  movie so from this questionaire we hope to find out what the british public are interested in and what you would like to see

1) how old are you ?

2) what is your gender? (please tick)

 (male) (female)

3)what is your favourite film genre? (pleas circle )

 horror  action  thriller  comedy  crime  other please specify .................

4) how often do you go to the cinema? (please circle )

  always    most of the time    sometimes      rarely      never

5) what is the last film you watched ?


6) did you enjoy the last film you watched ?

  yes  no

7) why did you enjoy it ?


8)what conventions do you expect to see in a cop film ?  ( key features in a film  i.e handcuffs )


9) how much would you pay to see a film at the cinema  ?


10) what ethnicity do you expect to see represented  in a british crime film?

Monday, 29 November 2010

What worked well?
One thing that worked well was our pitch. this especially worked well because we managed to do our pitch and show our ideas and research across to the class when we had a member of the group missing.

What would make our initial idea even better?
i think to make our idea even better we need to make sure that we have a clear idea of what were doing e.g we are starting to have second thoughts of what gere of film to do this isn't good because we need time to make sure that we

What will we do next?

Genre Research Films (Crime)

Film : Hostage
Genre Crime Action
Year 2005
Director: Florent Emilio Siri
Main Cast Bruce Willis

The opening sequence of this film starts of with showing these buildings and soldiers and the look unrealistic like a drawing and the use a lot of editing and it looks like they are preparing to invade and area its also shows a lot of violent equipments like guns tanks and things you would use for destruction and it uses a lot of editing the film uses colours like black and red which connotes death , danger and blood and they also use dramatic music in the opening sequence to help create tension. I think that this film is mostly aimed at men this is because of the way the film portrays men, because the film has been masculinized so much it shows the men as the hero's this is shown by the main character bruce willis who is shown as a strong tough guy


Film:  The Lookout
Genre: Crime Drama Thriller 
Year: 2007
Director: Scott Frank
Writer: Scott Frank 

In the opening sequence of this film we first denotes a place covered in snow in the middle of no way with a car parked in it and 3 men all in black and one one of them is searching for something for the other guys in a small cave the use of music is also interesting as the use dramatic, scary and almost  creepy music to create an atmosphere of danger and death. The characters in this film are mostly men so i think that this film is mostly aimed at men around the age of the main characters so 18+ 

Film: L A Confidential
Genre: Crime Drama Mystery
Year: 1997
Director: Curtis Hanson

The the opening sequence of the movie, the films starts of in black and white and it shows people in that time (1997 ) and how there lives where like and it show L.A and how its advertised and how the sell it to people telling them that it  like a paradise when its not. it has shows alot of people enjoying them slefs having as good time and it shows alot of families. I Think this film is aimed at young men it has a lot of action and fast pete movements they also use props like guns, cigarets, cigars etc that appealed to men at those times. 

Friday, 12 November 2010

Target 2 - November

1) To learn and revise key terms for media studies
2) To give more specific examples when evaluating my work

Prelim Editing

1) I was absent during the editing

2) We made sure we meat the brief by demonstrating the two rules, which is the 180 degree rule and the match on action rule we done this by making sure that for the 180 degree rule we only shoot the scene from on side of the room (like a half circle) and also by using over the shoulder shoot to film the conversation in the scene and we also demonstrated the match on action rule by making sure that all of the filming went in a sequence like pulling out the chair in the scene before sitting on it, which is an example of match on action and as well as that we also stayed on the storyline and  used the story board sheet to help us to film the scene correctly.

3) I think that our group worked really well during the filming and planning process and thats what was one of the things that worked really well because we worked together and shared our ideas and we listened to each other and got on with the work. However we did have some problem with the camera’s sound and not having members of our team around for the filming and the editing but we all worked together as a group to solve those problems in the correct manner and we also worked really well during the plan and put a lot of work and detail in it which help us to avoid any silly mistakes

Target 1 - September

1)To go in to detail and depth when explain my work.

Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Preilm filming

A) We decided to use our location because we need a place that looked formal and with good lighting so we decide to choose that location so that it meat our equipment.

b)we made sure to film the two rules by making sure we film on one side of the room and we also used a range of techniques like high angle shoots, flat angle birds view, establishing shoot, shot reverse shoot etc and we made dare that our scene was match on action as well for example when we were filming we released that we missed a bit and we had to film the police offer standing up before he sat down this was to help meat the rule of match on action.

c)we did this by changing a couple of the roles because we realised that one of the actors was better suited to be a police because of the way they were dressed and because they fitted the role better and we also discovered that the camera had no sound so we had to fix it a rework the scenes to make sure that it worked as well.

Half term homework – TV Drama Analysis

Gilmore Girls
1. Who made the show?
Gilmore girls were created by
Amy Sherman-Palladino

2. What channel is it on?
Gilmore girls are on channel 4 and E4

3. What time is it on?
There is usually an episode of Gilmore girl showing in the morning at 10.20am and in the afternoon at around 3 o’clock.

4. What is the sub-genre?
The sub-genre of this program is
comedy drama

5. Who is the target audience?
The target audience for Gilmore girls is women roughly around 15+ the show is mainly about the 2  girls Lorelei” and “Rory and their families, friends relationships and romance and shows us there day to day life’s it also shows and explores the mother, daughter relationship between these two characters.

6. What was is the narrative?
The narrative of Gilmore girl is quite a complicated structure. Because it a continuous story being told from one episode to another and it always begins by following one of girls and watching what happened in there day to day life and all of the episodes go together to create a storyline for the show.

7. Who/what was being represented?
This show does represent the different group age and their relationships that they have with each other.


(Two men enter the room)
(One man in hand cuffs the other with a police cap on)
(Both men cross room)
(Man in police cap pulls the chair out  this is our match on action shot because the next time we see him he  bangs the table )
(this is were we are going to use the over the shoulder shot we are going to have the man in cuffs in the chair with the camera looking up and the prision guard as he bangs the table the. the prison guard looking at the man in cuffs)
Prision officer:  I want some fucking answers steve
Steve : no comment
Prison officer: your facing a long time inside steve if you don’t talk
Steve: no comment
Prison officer: I know you done it steve
Steve: no comment
Prison officer: Think of that poor innocent child
Steve: no comment 
(Shows a photo of the child)
(See a tear roll down steves face)
Prison officer : come on steve we all know
(Steave stands up and shouts)
Steve:  I done it it was me alright.
(Steve breaks down and starts crying)

Monday, 1 November 2010

Prelim Task

a) What the prelim will entail?
The Prelim task that we did was of someone entering a room by using the door handle and coming in to sit down and one other person will already be in the room so the scene will be about the two characters and they will have a conversation around a table which will last about 30 seconds

b) What the two rules you must demonstrate means?
The two rules that we had to demonstrate were the 180 degree rule and the match on action rule. The 180 degree rule is that the camera can move anywhere within the half circle but shouldn't go across the other side of the circle as it could confuse the audience. The Match-on-action is a technique that helps to hide the cuts since the viewers are paying attention to the action rather than the editing so it means the viewers are not really aware of the editing.  
c) A summary of your initial idea?
Our idea was of a criminal and a police officer in a police interview interrogation and the police offer is trying to get information out of the criminal to prove that he is guilty of the crime. The criminal tries to refuse charges by saying no comment